Ze-NewsGet - The news come to you !

The news come to you !

Ze-NewsGet v0.3
- Description
- Screenshots
- Download
- ChangeLog
- Submit a bug
- Logos

- Directory
- To propose a site
- Backend

- Install
- Setting

- Terence Dewaele

- Open discution
- Help

Friendly links
- Ze-Linux

French / English
Description :
Ze-NewsGet is an application diffused under GNU/GPL, light and portable, written in java, making it possible to get and display the titles of the news of sites equipped with files of backend (example: http://www.ze-linux.org/backend4parser.php).

Informed Ze-NewsGet, by announces sound (configurable) and visual the user when that a news have been just added. It is enough then to click on the title to be automatically redirected on the news of the site.

Ze-NewsGet works under any operating system (Linux, Windows, MacOS ...) having an environment java (JDK, JRE ...)

Thanks to Ze-NewsGet no need to visit the principal sites of news every 2 minutes, in fact the news come to you !

Functionalities :
- Add / delete / modify sources of news
- Support of any types of format of file of backend
- Adjustable time of the checks
- Modifiable and suppressible sound Warning
- Proxy Support
- Check Update online

[ Coded by Terence Dewaele | Copyleft 2001-2002 Ze-NewsGet | Powered by Java ]

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